If you look at this link and scroll down, you will find these books on prayer recommended by Henry Blackaby.
Intercessory Prayer
- Grubb, Norman - Reese Howells: Intercessor - Christian Literature Crusade
- Huegel, F. J. - The Ministry of Intercession - Bethany Press
- Hunt, T.W. - The Doctrine of Prayer - Convention Press
- McClure, James - Intercessory Prayer - LifeWay
- Moody, D. L. - Prevailing Prayer - Moody Press
- Murray, Andrew - Ministry of Intercessory Prayer - Bethany House
- Murray, Andrew - With Christ in the School of Prayer - Whitaker House
Prayer Life
- Bounds, E. M. - The complete Works of E.M. Bounds on Prayer - Baker Book House
- Chadwick, Samuel - The Path of Prayer - Christian Literature Crusade
- Chambers, Oswald - If Ye Shall Ask - Christian Literature CrusadeDisci
- Duewel, Wesley - Touch the World Through Prayer - Zondervan
- Forsythe, P.T. - The Soul of Prayer - Schmul Publishing
- Frizzell, Gregory - How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life - Master Design Ministries
- Frizzell, Gregory - Prayer Evangelism - Master Design Ministries
- Hallesby, O. - Prayer - Augsburg Press
- Huegel, F. J. - Prayer's Deeper Secrets - Successful Praying
- Hunt, T. W. - Disciple's Prayer Life - LifeWay
- Hunt, T. W. - In God's Presence - LifeWay
- McConkey, James - Prayer - Silver Publishing Society
- Moody, D. L. - Prevailing Prayer - Moody Press
- Mueller, George - Answers to Prayer - Moody Press
- Torrey, R. A. - How To Pray - Moody Press