Teaching Your Children to Pray - Online Articles and Books


5 Ways to Teach Your Children How to Pray
By Jenn
The Purposeful Mom

"If your child's prayers seem to often begin that way, you're not alone! Although my kids can quickly rattle off the latest Minecraft building ideas and go on for hours several minutes about the plot of a funny movie, praying to God doesn't always come as easily." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

5 Tips for Helping Kids Learn to Pray
What's in the Bible

"As parents we often desire to foolproof formula in raising children. If we do 'A' and 'B' we are promised a 'C' outcome. We attempt three or four different Pinterest-pinned, sure-fire methods but yet halfway in the endeavors fall short." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

7 Simple Ways to Teach Your Children How to Pray
Faith Along the Way

"We teach our children how to add and subtract, how to play musical instruments or sports, and how to read. But, how many of us can say that we have made it a priority to teach our children how to pray?" (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

8 Tips for Teaching Your Kids to Pray
By Tara Ziegmont

"Do your kids ever see and hear you praying? Mind don't. I do most of my praying when they're not around or silently in my heart. Outside of our bedtime prayers together, my kids probably don't even know that I pray at all." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

10 Ways to Teach Your Child to Pray

"Helping your child develop a daily prayer life is one of the greatest gifts a mom can give. Teaching your child how to lay down their worries, seek wisdom, and enjoy the presence of a loving God is a treasure! Here are some prayers for children to pray that may help you get started." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

31 Days of Prayers
Moms in Prayer International

Pray for your children using the 31 Days of Prayer as your guide. Join mothers around the world as they come together to passionately pray before God for the lives of their children.

How to Teach Your Kids to Pray
Your Vibrant Family

"Prayer is powerful! When we pray, we can literally change the world with our words. What an awesome thing to pass on to our kids How can we teach our kids to pray? It's not as difficult as you may think. You can raise kids who change the world through prayer too!" (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Lesson for Children about Prayer
By Kristin Charles

"This children's message was originally written for a Christian School chapel of 1st-6th graders. It teaches the basic elements of prayer and encourages children to establish prayer as a habit in their own lives." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Prayer Lesson 1: Why Pray?
Kids Sunday School Place

This is a series of lesson on the topic of prayer. This will teach children what is prayer and why every kid should pray.

Pray With Your Children
By Mark Holmen
Focus on the Family

"Perhaps you've never prayed with your children. But no matter how old they are, it's never too late to start. It helps to remember that prayer is simply a conversation with God." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Prayer Works: Prayer Strategy and Training for Kids
Christian Cinema

"As kids grow, their prayer life needs to grow-but how? Stephen Kendrick and Alex Kendrick offer a strategy that kids can use to figure out how prayer works and just how powerful it is. Lots of great explanation is combined with fun activities, illustrations, and journaling prompts to get kids thinking and prayer." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Teach Your Kids to Pray
Moms in Prayer International

"Do you feel it yet? Has summer or break mode kicked in? Sometimes it takes me a week or two to adjust to not having to get up early and hit the ground running. I am so thankful God created breaks in our kids' school year. It's like a built in rest for our souls." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Teaching Kids to Pray
Children's Ministry Magazine

"Prayer habits that last a lifetime are most often formed in childhood. That's why it's so critical to teach young children how to pray. As with most spiritual disciplines, prayer is caught more than it's taught. As teachers model meaningful prayer lives, kids will learn how they, too, can talk to their Creator." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Teachings Kids to Pray
By Janet Denison
Christian Parenting.org

"Teaching your children to pray is a lot like teaching your children to love. If your child came to you one day asking how they could learn to love someone, what would you say?" (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Teaching Kids to Pray
Focus on the Family

"Are you looking for creative ways to encourage your kids to pray? Here are some ideas that worked for other parents." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Teaching Kids to Pray
By Marcia McQuitty

"In a daily newspaper column, Dr. Billy Graham received the following question from a seven-year-old boy. This question reminds us of the importance of teaching the children which God has given to us clearly, intentionally, and knowledgeably in the areas of spiritual discipline." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Teaching Kids to Pray in Creative, Real Ways
Our Goodwin Journey

"Teaching kids to pray in real, creative ways right now is something we want in our faith-based parenting. Helping kids pray as they build their own prayer life is an important teaching point in the spiritual lives of our kids!" (Read more about this article, click the link above.)

Teaching Your Child to Pray
By Steve Richards
Ministry Matters

"Prayer is a language of the heart. Whether the language is spoken or remains silent, prayer gives us a tool to express our inner thoughts and emotions. Prayer also provides a means for us to support others, even those persons we have never met. Prayer is our special connection with God." (Read more about this article, click the link above.)


Teaching Kids to Pray
By Rick Osborne

Prayer is the foundation for communicating with God, growing as a person, and receiving help and wisdom for every other part of life. Teaching children to pray is one of the most important tasks parents have. In this book, you will find practical tips, helps, activities for teaching the discipline of prayer, and more.

The Secret Weapon: Teaching Kids to Pray
By Tina Houser
Warner Press

In this book, you will find over 75 prayer activities that will help kids communicate with God in wide variety of ways. The instructions are easy to follow and will create teachable moments that kids will remember. There are also Bible verses that support each activity. In this book, children will learn how to offer prayers for themselves and other prayers, prayers of praise and gratitude to God, and more.